I've experienced the same problem running on Solaris and I would guess it's
because you have a parser that is not compatible with ant in your classpath

I got round the problem by making sure the standard CLASSPATH did not
include anything, and instead included my jars as a an attribute in javac.

        <!-- set global properties for this build -->
        <property environment="ss"/>
        <property name="myclasspath"  value="${ss.myclasspath}"/>       

        <target name="build" depends="init">
                <echo message="trdbd04 information: building ${src} into
                <javac srcdir="${src}" 

I put a wrapper around the call to ant which sets "myclasspath" to include
all my *.jars, and also sets CLASSPATH=<nothing> (e.g export CLASSPATH= ).
When the ant script (ANT) runs it attaches the jar files found in
ANT_HOME/lib to a LOCALCLASSPATH before calling ant.

Hope this helps.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: lily Gao [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 03 May 2001 14:19
> Subject: Problem: Ant 1.3 with JDK1.2.2.007
> Greeting all:
> I got the following Java exception with running Ant1.3 with 
> JDK1.2.2.007. 
> When I run Tomcat 3.2.1, I got exactly the same problem. I have only 
> tools.jar with whatever jar files in ant\lib\ and tomcat\lib in my 
> classpath. Any idea?
> ---------
> Buildfile: example1.xml
> javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError: 
> com.sun.xml.parser.SAXParserFactoryImpl
>         at 
> javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory.newInstance(SAXParserFactor
> y.java:84)
>         at 
> org.apache.tools.ant.ProjectHelper.parse(ProjectHelper.java, 
> Compiled Code)
>         at 
> org.apache.tools.ant.ProjectHelper.configureProject(ProjectHel
> per.java:85)
>         at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.runBuild(Main.java, 
> Compiled Code)
>         at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.main(Main.java:149)
> Total time: 0 seconds
> com.sun.xml.parser.SAXParserFactoryImpl
> ----------
> Thanks a lot!
> -Jianhe
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