I'm using the rmic task (Ant 1.3) to generate IIOP stubs and I'm seeing
a problem in it's dependency analysis.

rmic -iiop generates files like: _Taxonomy_Stub.class

note the leading underscore.

The file mapper in the rmic task does not take this into account when it
is searching for the class files as part of its dependency checks.

Am I missing an option that will make this happen, or is this a
limitation of the existing rmic task?  If it's a limitation, is there
any plan to fix this?

Larry V. Streepy, Jr.
Chief Technical Officer and VP of Engineering

Health Language, Inc.  -- "We speak the language of healthcare"
A subsidiary of CyberPlus Corp.

970/626-5028 (office)           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
970/626-4425 (fax)              http://www.healthlanguage.com

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