>From: "Jon Skeet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: place the output in a log file
>Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 19:29:03 +0100
> > >If you run ant with the command-line option
> > >-logfile myfile.log
> > >then output will go to myfile.log
> >
> > Thanks for your help. I was using that before but what i want
> > to do now is
> > to produce a log file that lists the result of each build..
>Do you mean the result of each *target*? (-logfile does exactly the
>result of each build, as far as I'm aware.)
No I meant the result of each "build".Actually I used the <ant> task as the 

<ant antfile="javasrc\server\build.xml" dir="javasrc\server" target="main" 
output="build.log" /> and placed it in my "main" targets which depends on 
"compile-all". But it seems like it is not working

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