We use Ant to do two types of builds (daily and production). For daily
builds I only need the special tasks which start a view, mount a vob, and
set the config-spec. For production builds, I start with the above, then
label our source files at the beginning of the build, then after I have
compiled and jar'd the project, I either checkin a new version of the lib
produced or create a new element if this was the first production build;
lastly I label the lib's produced by the build.

I'm sure that everyone doesn't need all this functionality, but I am working
toward automated daily builds, and since this won't run on the developers
machine, I can't be sure that vobs are mounted, views are started and the
config-spec is set as needed.


-----Original Message-----
From: Suu Quan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 8:14 PM
Subject: Re: ClearCase. How used?

> I just finished designing our build system that has complete integration
> with ClearCase.
> I wrote custom tasks to do labeling, mount a vob, start a view and set a
> config spec, as well as my own versions of Checkin and Checkout. These
> are specific to our project structure in ClearCase, so they would need to
> modified for your use.

Umm, I'm familiar with Clearcase, and builds. But I can't recall one single
instance where I need to use Clearcase during a build. May be after,  to
checkin important derived objects.

Would this forum "show me the light" please! Tia

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