I can only get the default target to execute.
Subsequent target elements are not executed.
Does anyone have any solutions?

Here's the scenario:

My Setup:
OS:  Windows 2000 Professional
Ant Version:  akarta-ant-1.3
JDK Version:  1.3.1

I have an XML file to create a simple build.
It has 2 target elements.
The default element executes, but the other target element does not.
If I change the default element to be the second target element, then
the second target element executes but not the first one.

Here is my xml file I'm passing to ant:

<project name="GetRequestURI" default="init" basedir="C:\apps\projects\build">

<!-- Set Global Properties For This Build -->
<property name="dir_basedir" value="C:\apps\projects\build" />
<!-- Begin:  Set Directory Names -->
<property name="dir_webapp" value="test1"/>
<property name="dir_web_inf" value="WEB-INF"/>
<property name="dir_images" value="images"/>
<property name="dir_jsp" value="jsp"/>
<property name="dir_meta_inf" value="META-INF"/>
<property name="dir_lib" value="lib"/>
<property name="dir_classes" value="classes"/>
<!-- End:  Set Directory Names -->
<!-- Begin:  Set Java Class Paths -->
<property name="clspth_jdk" value="C:\jdk1.3.1" />
<property name="clspth_Tomcat_Servlet" value="C:\apps\tomcat\lib\servlet.jar"
<property name="clspth_GetRequestURI" 
<!-- End:  Set Java Class Paths -->

<!-- Begin:  Set Java Destination Paths -->
<property name="destpth_GetRequestURI" 
<!-- End:  Set Java Destination Paths -->
<!-- End:  Set Global Properties For This Build -->

<target name="init">
<!-- Create the time stamp -->
<!-- Create the directory structure for a tomcat web application -->
<mkdir dir="${dir_webapp}"/>
<mkdir dir="${dir_webapp}\${dir_web_inf}"/>     
<mkdir dir="${dir_webapp}\${dir_web_inf}\${dir_classes}"/>
<mkdir dir="${dir_webapp}\${dir_web_inf}\${dir_lib}"/>
<mkdir dir="${dir_webapp}\${dir_meta_inf}"/>
<mkdir dir="${dir_webapp}\${dir_jsp}"/>
<mkdir dir="${dir_webapp}\${dir_images}"/>      

<target name="compile" depends="init">
<javac  srcdir="${clspth_GetRequestURI}"

Allan M.

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