Title: An issue with delete

I have the following build.xml

<project name="Backup" default="zipit" basedir=".">
  <target name="init">
    <property name="source.dir" value="."/>
    <property name="target.dir" value="${source.dir}/backup"/>
    <mkdir dir="${target.dir}"/>
    <filter token="backupdate" value="${DSTAMP}"/>
    <filter token="backuptime" value="${TSTAMP}"/>
    <property name="backup.name" value="${DSTAMP}${TSTAMP}.zip"/>

  <target name="del-old" depends="init">
    <echo message="Deleting old backup file"/>
    <delete verbose="true">
      <fileset dir="${target.dir}" includes="*.bak"/>
    <!-- Moving the last zip file to a bak file -->
    <move todir="${target.dir}">
      <fileset dir="${target.dir}">
          <include name="**/*.zip"/>
      <mapper type="regexp" from="^(.*)\.zip$$" to="\1.zip.bak"/>

  <target name="zipit" depends="init, del-old">
    <zip zipfile="${target.dir}/${backup.name}"
    <echo message="Backup complete"/>

The first time through there is nothing in the backup directory (it was just created).  The del-old task deletes the directory.  I think this may be a bug with the fileset as the directory backup does not match the includes.

Patrick O'Hara
Workscape, Inc
N17 W24222 Riverwood Pl
Waukesha, WI 53188-1162
262-408-3840 Fax
<<O'Hara, Patrick.vcf>>

O'Hara, Patrick.vcf

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