I am quite new with Ant, and I have some problems.
I am trying to use the same target from two different ones; setting some parameters, and execute or not this last target depending of one of the parameters.
This is the code:
<target name="chek_junit">
<available file="${junit.jar}" property="junit.jar.present"/>
<echo message="Junit present; ${junit.jar.present}"/>
<antcall target="get_jar">
<param name="present" value="${junit.jar.present}"/>
<param name="project.name" value="${Junit.project.name}"/>
<param name="jar.name" value="${junit.jar}"/>
<target name="check_log4j">
<available file="${log4j.jar}" property=" log4j.jar.present "/>
<echo message="Log4j present: ${log4j.jar.present}"/>
<antcall target="get_jar">
<param name="present" value="${log4j.jar.present}"/>
<param name="project.name" value="${log4j.project.name}"/>
<param name="jar.name" value="${log4j.jar}"/>
<target name="get_jar" unless="present">
The problem is that when one of the files doesn't exists, the property is not set , and the value that the parameter take is literally "${log4j.jar.present}", and the target "get_jar" is never executed, because present is alredy set.
Is there any way to do this, without having to write other target ? I am doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance,