I've never had any problems with loading project names of length higher than
yours. There's one thing to keep in mind that , VA Workspace displays the
project name by appending a version number to it, so if your workspace has a
project, say, "SpacedObject ABC" version "3.1.0", you'll see "SpacedObject
ABC 3.1.0" in the workspace, however you'll see only "SpacedObject ABC" in
repository explorer.

-----Original Message-----
From: Trogdon, David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: June 27, 2001 11:18 AM
Subject: VAJload and name attribute


When loading projects into the workspace there seems to be some limitations
on the name attribute.

I have 3 projects that have numbers in the name similar to:

JavaMedia Watchamacallit 010424
SpacedObject ABC 3.1.0
SpacedObject Veeger 3.3

Projects listed befor and after these will load.

I tried something like SpacedObject Veeger** just for grins and it caused
the script to FAIL and stop.

Any suggestions or soulutions short of renameing the projects?



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