This may be totally off base as I've never used FTP through Ant, but do you experience a delay before getting your login prompt when you try to establish a command-line FTP session (or a telnet) to the RedHat box as well?  If so, you may be experiencing the delay because the RedHat box is trying to do a reverse DNS lookup to get the hostname of the box you are FTP'ing from.
I had a similar problem when trying to FTP from my Windows PC to my FreeBSD box (long delay between "Connected to blah blah" and login), and it went away when I added my Windows PC's info to the /etc/hosts file on the FreeBSD box.  Also worked at a hospital once when tech support for our IS vendor told one of our people to type a command to test something and blew away our /etc/hosts file.  From then on ALL connections from the hospital's PCs to the Unix box took about 60 seconds before a login prompt showed while it tried to do a reverse DNS lookup and eventually timed out.
Just guessing here...
Hope this helps,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 5:44 AM
Subject: FTP task is very slow

I'm using ANT to package my Cocoon site and send it to production system (LINUX RH 7.1), but the FTP task is very slow before 'sending files' action, 40 sec.
Someone knows the reason?
Thanks in advance.
Pier Paolo.

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