HI Ant people,

Using Ant 1.3:

ant -version
Ant version 1.3 compiled on July 2 2001

(NOTE:  I have patched Tar.java to the 1.17 revision from CVS but left all
the other source files as they came from source distro for 1.3).

I am running on Solaris (SunOS is007041 5.8 Generic_108528-03 sun4u sparc
SUNW,Ultra-4) with the following jdk:

java version "1.2.2"
Solaris VM (build Solaris_JDK_1.2.2_05a, native threads, sunwjit)

I  have the following target that doesn't generate the correct perms when
the file is untarred:

<target name="makeUsingTAR" depends="init" >
        <delete file="${tarfilename}"/>
        <tar tarfile="${tarfilename}">
                <tarfileset mode="666" dir="${olr_root}/..">
                        <include name="olr/etc/OLRUsing.properties"/>
                        <include name="olr/etc/OLRAuthoring.properties"/>
                        <include name="olr/etc/OLRLogin.properties"/>
                        <include name="olr/etc/dbconnection.xml"/>
                        <include name="olr/etc/jdbcDriverPlayback"/>
                 <tarfileset mode="755" dir="${olr_root}/..">
                         <include name="olr/etc/set*"/>
                 <tarfileset  dir="${olr_root}/..">
                         <include name="olr/**"/>
                         <exclude name="olr/etc/set*"/>
                         <exclude name="olr/etc/OLRUsing.properties"/>
                         <exclude name="olr/etc/OLRAuthoring.properties"/>
                         <exclude name="olr/etc/OLRLogin.properties"/>
                         <exclude name="olr/etc/dbconnection.xml"/>
                         <exclude name="olr/etc/jdbcDriverPlayback"/>

Untarring the generated tar file generates the following ls -l listing of
the olr/etc directory:

-rw-r--r--   1 dnz8ynv  olrteam      325 Jun 15 13:39 dbconnection.xml
-rw-r--r--   1 dnz8ynv  olrteam       91 Jun 28 08:02 jdbcDriverPlayback
-rw-r--r--   1 dnz8ynv  olrteam     2479 Jul  3 08:12
-rw-r--r--   1 dnz8ynv  olrteam     1626 Jul  3 08:12 OLRLogon.properties
-rw-r--r--   1 dnz8ynv  olrteam     3392 Jul  3 08:12 OLRUsing.properties
-rwxr-xr-x   1 dnz8ynv  olrteam      927 Jun 26 12:08 setOLRCPATH
-rwxr-xr-x   1 dnz8ynv  olrteam      672 Jul  2 08:16 setOLRParms.ksh

Notice that the set* files have 755 as per my mode in the tarfileset.  But
the other files do not have 666 perms as per the mode in the tarfileset.
Rather the have 644 perms.  Any ideas on how to fix this or a work around?

Thanks in advance


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