write yourself an if or switch task.......
or use this one.  You can use it like an if
statement by doing the following.

if (var=a) { targeta }
else if (var=b) { targetb }
else { targetc }:

would end up as:

    <switch value="${var}">
      <case value="a" target="targeta" />
      <case value="b" target="targetb" />
      <default target="targetc"

I would of course be nice to be able to set parameters before calling
the target, but i didn't really have a need for that just yet, so i didn't

import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Project;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Task;
import java.io.LineNumberReader;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * Task definition for the ANT task to switch on a particular value
 * Usage:
 *   Task declaration in the project:
 *     <taskdef name="switch" classname="com.sedona.ant.taskdef.Switch" />

 *   Task calling syntax:
 *     <switch value="value" [caseinsensitive="true|false"] >
 *       <case value="val"
 *             [target="targetname" |
 *              (property="propname" propertyvalue="setval")] />+
 *       [<default [target="targetname" |
 *                  (property="propname" propertyvalue="setval")] />
 *     </switch>
 *   Attributes:
 *       value           -> The value to switch on
 *       caseinsensitive -> Should we do case insensitive comparisons?
                            (default is false)
 *   Subitems:
 *       case     --> A single case specification for what to do when a
 *                    particular value is encountered.
 *        Attributes:
 *          value           --> The value to match
 *          target          --> The name of a target to execute if matched

 *          property        --> The name of a property to set if matched
 *          propertyvalue   --> The value to set the named property to
 *       default  --> The default case for when no match is found.  This
 *                    has the same syntax as the case item, but the value
 *                    attribute is ignored.
 *   Notes:
 *       1.  The property and propertyvalue attributes are tied together
 *           and one cannot be present without the other.
 *       2.  The target attribute is mutually exclusive with the
 *           (property,propertyvalue) attribute pair, and will throw
 *           an exception if both are present.
public class Switch extends Task
    private String value;
    private List cases;
    private Case defaultCase;
    private boolean caseInsensitive;

    private int defcnt = 0;

     * Default Constructor
    public Switch()
        cases = new ArrayList();

    public void execute()
        throws BuildException
        if (value == null)
            throw new BuildException("Value is missing");
        if (cases.size() == 0 && defaultCase == null)
            throw new BuildException("No cases supplied");
        if (defcnt > 1)
            throw new BuildException("Only 1 default case may be

        Map targets = getProject().getTargets();

        if (defaultCase != null)
            if (defaultCase.target == null && defaultCase.property ==
                throw new BuildException("Default case must contain a
Target or Property");
            if (defaultCase.target != null && defaultCase.property !=
                throw new BuildException("Target and Property cannot be
set in the same case.");
            if (defaultCase.property != null & defaultCase.propertyValue
== null)
                throw new BuildException("PropertyValue must be set if
Property supplied for case: default");
            if (defaultCase.target != null &&
targets.get(defaultCase.target) == null)
                throw new BuildException("Target '" + defaultCase.target +
"' does not exist.");

        Case selectedCase = defaultCase;

        int sz = cases.size();
        for (int i=0;i<sz;i++)
            Case c = (Case)(cases.get(i));
            if (c.value == null)
                throw new BuildException("Value is required for case.");
            if (c.target != null && c.property != null)
                throw new BuildException("Target and Property cannot be
set in the same case.");
            if (c.target == null && c.property == null)
                throw new BuildException("Target or Property is required
for case: " + c.value);
            if (c.target != null && targets.get(c.target) == null)
                throw new BuildException("Target '" + c.target + "' does
not exist.");
            if (c.property != null & c.propertyValue == null)
                throw new BuildException("PropertyValue must be set if
Property supplied for case: " + c.value);

            String cvalue = c.value;
            String mvalue = value;

            if (caseInsensitive)
                cvalue = cvalue.toUpperCase();
                mvalue = mvalue.toUpperCase();

            if (cvalue.equals(mvalue) && c != defaultCase)
                selectedCase = c;

        if (selectedCase != null)
            if (selectedCase.target != null)
            else if (selectedCase.property != null)


     * Sets the value being switched on
    public void setValue(String value)
        this.value = value;

    public void setCaseInsensitive(String str)
            caseInsensitive = Boolean.valueOf(str).booleanValue();
        catch (Exception e)
            caseInsensitive = false;

     * Inner class which defines the "<allow>" tag as a child
     * of a "<prompt>" tag
    public static final class Case extends Object
        private String property;
        private String propertyValue;
        private String value;
        private String target;

        public Case()

        public Case(String value)
            this.value = value;

        public void setValue(String value)
            this.value = value;

        public void setTarget(String target)
            this.target = target;

        public void setProperty(String property)
            this.property = property;

        public void setPropertyValue(String propertyValue)
            this.propertyValue = propertyValue;

        public boolean equals(Object o)
            boolean res = false;
            Case c = (Case)o;
            if (c.value.equals(value))
                res = true;
            return res;

     * Creates the <allow> tag
    public Switch.Case createCase()
        Switch.Case res = new Switch.Case();
        return res;

     * Creates the <allow> tag
    public Switch.Case createDefault()
        Switch.Case res = new Switch.Case();
        defaultCase = res;
        return res;

Don Taylor wrote:

> No, you can't use if-statements like that. To accomplish what you want,
> try this instead:
> <target name="isAvailable">
>   <available file="config.xml"
>     property="config.xml.available"/>
> </target>
> <target name="copy" depends="isAvailable"
>   unless="config.xml.available">
>   <copy file="config_template.xml" tofile="config.xml"/>
> </target>
> <target name="deploy" depends="copy">
>   <!-- Do your deploy stuff here -->
> </target>
> Sorry, but that's how conditional logic is handled in Ant.
> - Don
> --- Martin Gerlach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi there
> >
> > is it possible to use if-statements in ant's build.xml-Files?
> > Like:
> >
> > <target name="Test">
> >       <if property="${property_value}"
> >           condition="EQUAL"
> >           value="${property_value}">
> >               <delete ... >
> >               </delete>
> >       </if>
> > </target>
> >
> > Espacially, i wan't to copy a file only when it not
> > exists. I want to copy a config_template.xml-File to
> > a directory every time i make a deploy, but i want to
> > copy the config_template.xml to config.xml only if
> > there is NOT a previous config.xml. How to do that ?
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> >       M. Gerlach
> > --
> > _______________________________________________________________
> >
> >     Martin Gerlach                Distributed Systems
> >
> >     phone: +49 (0)221 250-1046   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >     fax:   +49 (0)221 250-1588   http://www.planb-media.de
> >
> >     plan_b media ag               Coloneum
> >     Butzweilerstr. 255            D-50829 Cologne, Germany
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 as yet, is suspicious." -H.L. Mencken

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