> And this is all to avoid learning a templating language. Even 
> though that language is potentially a standard language whos 
> basics could be understood in .... what about 40 minutes?

> I still can't understand how you can claim that if/them and looping are
> too complex and then turn around and suggest we use XSLT instead.

Apart from all the abrasive debate currently surrounding this topic, I WOULD be 
interested in learning how to use XSLT to dynamically generate build files... HOWEVER, 
I haven't been able to find a good tutorial on it yet.  While something on using XSLT 
to format XML documents in general is nice, what I'm really looking for is a tutorial 
on how to use XSLT to build an Ant script dynamically.  Furthermore, if the tutorial 
was written specifically to address the umpteen "I need to ______ a directory which 
may or may not have x subdirectories in it" posts out here, that would be fantastic.

>From my point of view, Pete's position would be more valid if there was something 
>educational out there on how to handle these situations properly (from an 
>"anti-control flow, pro-templating" perspective).  This perspective is a different 
>way of approaching things (that's true for Ant in general), and until I find some 
>good in-depth explanations of this different solution, I have to fall back on what I 
>know (control structures).

I would like to use XSLT in conjunction with Ant, I just need to be shown how.  So 
does anyone out there know of anything like this, or would be willing to whip up 
something like this?


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