At 09:13 AM 06/07/01, you wrote:
>I don't know whether there's a reasonable solution to this - I'm
>using Ant to build a project which includes a properties file,
>and that properties file contains file paths used by code in
>the application.
>The problem is when I use filtering to write the paths into the
>properties file on the Windows platform. The paths, are correctly
>handled by ant (e.g. "c:\www\foo"), but those back-slashes
>need to be escaped in order to work in the properties file:
>my java code reads it as something like "c:wwoo".
>These paths are built and used in my web.xml file for things
>like copying build files to their locations, as well as in the
>application's properties file for application configuration purposes.
>I suppose I could double them up everywhere, but that's really
>clumsy, ugly, and error-prone. Does anybody have a nicer
>solution to this?

Write them the other way round? I find that java can handle this, although 
it's not standard Windows...


                           *   Jim Cheesman   *
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - (34)(91) 724 9200 x 2360
              Always be on the 
lookout for conspicuousness.

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