> I have a need for this task. If you have it packaged up, please
> sending to me or to the ant-user mailing list. It's an excellent idea
> simple but powerful.

Simple, indeed.  To add the taskdef:

<taskdef name="callover" classname="ant.extensions.CallOverTask"/>

Include the appropriate classpath reference if needed.

To use:

<target name="myTarget">
  <callover target="otherTarget">
    <paramset name="varName">
      <fileset dir="sourceDir" includes="**/*"/>
    <paramset name="altName">
      <valueset values="a|bc|d" delimiter="|"/>

<target name="otherTarget">
  <echo message="varName = ${varName}, altName=${altName}"/>
callover will call the given target once for each combination of its
parameterized values.  fileset is ant's normal fileset tag.  valueset is
new, but it's a simple StringTokenizer.

The code is simple.  Enjoy!

-Steve  :)

Steve Morgan       [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://profiles.yahoo.com/xerafin

Steve Morgan       [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://profiles.yahoo.com/xerafin

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