Copying almost exactly as the manual
<property name="rootdir" value="c:/stp" />
<property name="disttar" value="${rootdir}/stpdist.tar" />
<target name="tar">
  <tar tarfile="${disttar}" basedir="${rootdir}"
        includes="etc/**, lib/**" >
        <tarfileset dir="${rootdir}/sbin" mode="555" />
Running that target I got the following error
tar.xml:9: Problem creating TAR: C:\stp\README (The system cannot find the file specified)
--- Nested Exception --- C:\stp\README (The system cannot find the file specified)
        at Method)
Theere is no \stp\README, but there is one in .../sbin/README.
If I don't use the <tarfileset> element, I never get an error.
What's missing?

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