Couldnt you just specify the properties file location with a


And then using the <properties/>  tag inside like this

<property environment="${ANT_PROPERTIES_LOCATION" />

The users would be responsible for specifying the proper path to the properties file, 
or like in my example this could be a system variable that is set for each user in 
their login shell scripts.


Kyle Adams wrote:

> The problem I ran into with this is that the root, or the drive that 
>development-related stuff was stored on, changed depending on the user.  For some it 
>was d:, for others c:, and for others still, plain ol' *nix root ('/').  So the 
>location of their source tree changed.  Which mean that Ant couldn't count on this 
>file being in any particular location.  So by placing a properties file in 
>${user.home}, which Ant could ALWAYS locate, and by setting a ${root} variable in 
>that properties file, I could bootstrap the main properties file (the one stored in 
>the source tree).
> On a related note, I hope that ${user.home} (or a similar solution) doesn't go away 
>in Ant2.  It's extremely useful variable (as shown above) for cross-platform Ant 
> Kyle
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/09/01 02:31PM >>>
> I don't know that I'd recommend having a requirement that a file used in
> the production of the build be placed in a user's home directory -- you
> can allow for the option of users having a properties file in their home
> directory in order to set the value of customizable properties, but you
> shouldn't have a requirement that their home directory contains a
> properties file necessary to the build. If you have properties files you
> include as part of the build, better to have them in the tree the
> build-files live in (presumably, your source-tree).
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