Title: RE: ant and Weblogic 6.1
You don't give much information but FYI, as you noticed, the JDK bundled w/ Weblogic 6.1 does not have a directory jre/lib/ext that normally exists in the normal JDK.
It is normally empty (and better stay unless you want to shoot yourself in the foot), so just create the empty dir, and obviouslly it should stop complaining.
Also I don't see the relation between the fact that you have an error message and opening a new dos window each time....
If your XML include other XML via entities, the challenge is that the line reported can be in any XML.
As well, you might want to take a look at the option available to ant via -help...
For example, running with -verbose might save you from a guess challenge and -debug is for the desperate user. :-)
----- Original Message -----
From: Lisa Klag
Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2001 9:43 PM
Subject: RE: ant and Weblogic 6.1

Thanks Don,
It appears that jikes was giving me a pain in my behind.  I was trying to use jikes 1.4, which I now know I shouldn't have tried.  Even jikes 1.3 was not being nice.  So I ditched it for the time being and I'm compiling using javac.  This is OK short-term, but I will still have to address the jikes issue at some point.
thanks again,
-----Original Message-----
From: Schaefer, Don [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 12:12 PM
Subject: RE: ant and Weblogic 6.1

Are you including any other xml files in your build file? 

Have you changed your JAVA_HOME?

Why do you have to open a new dos session?

just reaching....

-----Original Message-----
From: Lisa Klag [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2001 12:14 PM
Subject: ant and Weblogic 6.1

I'm a newbie to the list and I'm pretty much ant illiterate.  That said, my
weblogic 6.1 port is killing me.  I was fine under WLS 6.0, but when I went
to 6.1, things went to hell in a handbasket.
Since moving to 6.1, I have been having a large amount of heartburn with
ant.  I have to open a new DOS window every time I want to compile because I
keep getting this error message:
D:\app\build.xml:524: D:\bea\jdk131\jre\lib\ext not found.
I have looked at line 524 of my build file and I don't see anything there.
I also can't find the ext file or directory...

Any clues?


  Lisa Klag

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