Another possible way to do this in version 1.3 would
be to set up a different property for each OS, and
then test for the existence of that property.

Your command line would read...

... -Dlinux=true ...
... -Dwindows=true ...

The value after the property ("true") would only exist
for documentation and wouldn't be used.

In Ant you would then code...

<target name="processLinux" if="linux">

<target name="processWindows" if="windows">

<target name="processOS">
    <antcall target="processLinux"/>
    <antcall target="processWindows"/>

--- Stefan Bodewig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 20 Aug 2001, Kurien Mathew
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is it possible to set a property based on the OS?
> > redist
> >  |- win32
> >  |- mac
> >  |- linux
> > 
> Using 1.4beta
> <condition property="redistdir"
> value="redist/win32">
>   <os family="windows" />
> </condition>
> <condition property="redistdir" value="redist/mac">
>   <os family="mac" />
> </condition>
> <condition property="redistdir"
> value="redist/linux">
>   <equals arg1="${}" arg2="Linux" />
> </condition>
> Stefan

Cornellious Mann

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