Part of a build target in my build.xml file tries to compile
a group of JSP sources into Java sources using the JSP compiler
in Tomcat. The relevant task looks like this:
<java fork="yes" dir="projects/template/gui/jsp"
<classpath refid="jspcp" />
<arg line="-uriroot . *.jsp" />
<jvmarg line="-Dtomcat.home=${basedir}/tomcat" />
The 'jspcp' refid in the 'classpath' is defined at the top of my
build.xml file with a <path> ... </path> statement. This works perfectly
on Windows 2000 but breaks on Linux. The output on linux returned is:
Buildfile: build.xml
[java] 2001-09-06 09:07:54 - The file argument '*.jsp' does not
I can run the equivalent Java command line from the shell and it will
the JSPs successfully.
e.g. java -Dtomcat.home=$TOMCAT_HOME org.apache.jasper.JspC -uriroot
N.B. With TOMCAT_HOME and CLASSPATH set appropriately of course and
executed from the directory containing the JSP sources.
Anyone ever have similar problems? I'm left with two suspicions. One is
that the JVM is not being forked from the directory specified by the 'dir'
attribute in the 'java' task (projects/template/gui/jsp in this case).
My second suspicion was that the wildcard '*.jsp' was not being expanded.
Any ideas? Like I said, this works on Windows 2000.
Salvador Ducros