It seems that you have the same like me.

   NoClassDefFoundError: says that you need to have in
your jar file or you EJB file the

   I used a jar after making it, I execute a java task
and when the task begins sometimes show out that
problem.. So I used:

<fileset dir="${DESTINO_COMPILAR}/${PAQUETEDis}/">

  inserting into my jar that asked file.

  In my case, I really don't need the file to be
included into my jar, so I put a jar generated in a
previous running into my classpath, but it useless, it
never gets attention of the classpath.

  Hope this could help


--- "Orlandi, Andreas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I'm trying to compile EJB using EJBJAR with WLS 6.0
> SP2 & ANT 1.5 alpha but
> somehow it fails and I can't figure out what I'm
> doing wrong.
> Here is the snippet of the build.xml :
>   <target name="ejbjar" depends="compile">
>    <!-- make the ejb -->
>    <mkdir dir="${deploy}/lib"/>
>    <ejbjar 
>          srcdir="${build}"
>          descriptordir="${ejbdesc}"
>        flatdestdir="true"> 
>          <weblogic 
>             destdir="${deploy}/lib"
>             keepgeneric="true"
>                   newCMP="true"
>             compiler="jikes -nowarn"
>                   rebuild="false">
>             <classpath>
>                         <pathelement
> path="${buildClassPath}"/>
>                   </classpath>
>                    <wlclasspath>
>                         <pathelement
> path="${weblogicClassPath}"/>
>               </wlclasspath>
>          </weblogic>
>          <include name="**/*-ejb-jar.xml"/>
>          <exclude name="**/*weblogic*.xml"/>
>          <exclude name="**/GenericTypeDef*.java"/>
>          <dtd publicId="-//Sun Microsystems,
> Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans
> 1.1//EN"
> location="${dtd_home}/ejb-jar_1_1.dtd"/>
>          <dtd publicId="-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD
> WebLogic 5.1.0 EJB//EN"
> location="${dtd_home}/weblogic-ejb-jar.dtd"/>
>    </ejbjar>
>   </target>
> Please note that weblogicClassPath contains just the
> path to weblogic.jar
> whereas buildClassPath points to the dir where the
> classes of the entire
> project live (I'm using the same classpath in my
> javac task).
> The following is the output :
> [ejbjar] Calling weblogic.ejbc for
>      [ejbc] Forking
> /prod/appl/java/jdk1.3.0_02/jre/../bin/java
> -classpath
> /prod/appl/weblogic/
> weblogic.ejbc -compiler jikes
> -nowarn
> /home/0
>      [ejbc] Exception in thread "main"
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> com/qwest/lims/data/GenericTypeDefData
>      [ejbc]     at
> java.lang.Class.getMethods0(Native Method)
>      [ejbc]     at
> java.lang.Class.getMethods(
>      [ejbc]     at
> Please note that GenericTypeDefData.class is
> definitely in the
> buildClassPath.
> Thanks,
> Andreas



"Puedes sentirte desilusionado si fallas, pero estás condenado si no lo intentas."

"You can get disappointed if you fail down, but you are doomed if you do not try it."

ICQ #  22338121

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