hi nico, I have installed Cygwin and can use cvs.exe from commandline --- if I try this from the ant build.xml:
<cvs cvsRoot=":pserver:myusername@myserverIP:/cvs" package="S_Source" dest="T:/TCVS" /> then I get following error: testCVS: [cvs] cvs checkout: authorization failed: server ... rejected access to /cvs for user ... [cvs] cvs checkout: used empty password; try "cvs login" with a real password then I tried the following <cvs command="login" cvsRoot=":pserver:myusername@myserverIP:/cvs" /> now the task "hangs" I dont know how to say the command where my local .cvspass file is located thanks for helping Ekkehard Gentz Softwareentwicklung ff-eCommerce