I believe your problem lies in the <classpath> nested tag:

    <classpath refid="${project.classpath};${output_com}\com" />

The refid has to refer to the string literal name of the id of a (class)path

<path id="foo.classpath">
    <!--  put all jars in the other.lib.dir into the javac.classpath -->
    <fileset dir="${other.lib.dir}">
        <include name="**/*.jar" />
<ejbjar srcdir="${ejbjar.classes.dir}"
             flatdestdir="true" genericjarsuffix=".jar">
    <include name="**/*ejb-jar.xml" />
    <classpath refid="foo.classpath" />

hope that helps


----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Close" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ant Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2001 4:03 PM
Subject: RE: Ant & EJB

> i'm currently getting the following error:
> build_ejb_jar:
> D:\Development\Marketing\build.xml:69: Reference
> not found.
> using the build.xml down below.  i'm not sure if i
> have my references(classpath and such) set up
> correctly.  i did try running the build.xml without
> the weblogic classpath tag and ejbc actually ran, but
> it failed because it couldn't load superclasses.  if
> the classpath variable is set then ant doesn't seem to
> find anything in it...  any help would be appreciated.
>  and if you find i'm doing something grossly wrong or
> just weird elsewhere in the script please feel free to
> point it out to me. :)  i'm always interested in
> learning new and better ways to do things.  thanks
> again.
> andy
> build.xml:
> <project name="MKTG_LOCAL_BUILD" default="copy_ear"
> basedir=".">
>     <target name="init">
>         <property name="src.dir"
> value="D:\Development\Build\Marketing" />
>         <property name="output_com"
> value="${src.dir}\Deployment" />
>         <property name="output_webappclasses"
> value="${src.dir}\Deployment\WebApp\WEB-INF\classes"
> />
>         <property name="project.classpath"
> value="D:\java\lib\j2ee.jar;D:\WebGain\Bea\wlserver6.1\lib\weblogic.jar;."
> />
>         <property name="dist" value="${output_com}" />
>         <property name="source.safe.dir"
> value="D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
> Studio\VSS\win32" />
>         <property name="weblogic.deployment.dir"
> value="D:\WebGain\Bea\wlserver6.1\config\mydomain\applications"
> />
>     </target>
>     <target name="clean" depends="init">
>         <delete dir="${src.dir}" />
>         <delete dir="${output_com}" />
>         <delete dir="${output_webappclasses}" />
>     </target>
>     <target name="prepare" depends="clean">
>         <mkdir dir="${output_com}" />
>         <mkdir dir="${output_webappclasses}" />
>         <mkdir dir="${src.dir}" />
>     </target>
>     <target name="extract" depends="prepare">
>         <vssget localPath="${src.dir}"
>         recursive="true"
>         login="LocalBuild, LocalBuild"
>         vsspath="/MKTG"
>         ssdir="${source.safe.dir}"
>         writable="false"/>
>     </target>
>     <target name="compile_com" depends="extract">
>         <javac srcdir="${src.dir}\SourceCode"
>             includes="com\**"
>             excludes="WebApp\**,WebAppClasses\**"
>             destdir="${output_com}"
>             debug="on"
>         />
>         <!--classpath="${project.classpath}"-->
>         <delete dir="${output_com}\WebAppClasses" />
>     </target>
>     <target name="compile_webappclasses"
> depends="compile_com">
>         <javac srcdir="${src.dir}\SourceCode"
>           includes="WebAppClasses\**"
>           excludes="com\**,WebApp\**"
>           destdir="${output_webappclasses}"
>           debug="on"
>         />
> <!--
> classpath="${project.classpath};${output_com}"-->
>     </target>
>     <target name="copy_webapp"
> depends="compile_webappclasses">
>         <copy todir="${output_com}\WebApp" >
>         <fileset dir="${src.dir}\SourceCode\WebApp\" >
>             <exclude name="**\*.java"/>
>         </fileset>
>         </copy>
>     </target>
>    <target name="build_ejb_jar" depends="copy_webapp">
>         <ejbjar
>             descriptordir="${output_com}\META-INF"
>             srcdir="${output_com}\com"
>             destdir="${output_com}\Ear"
>             basejarname="ejb_mkt">
>             <weblogic
>                 destdir="${output_com}\Ear"
>                 newCMP="true"
>                 noEJBC="false">
>                     <classpath
> refid="${project.classpath};${output_com}\com" />
>             </weblogic>
>             <include name="**\ejb-jar.xml"/>
>             <exclude name="**\weblogic*.xml"/>
>         </ejbjar>
>     </target>
>     <target name="build_war" depends="build_ejb_jar">
>         <war warfile="${dist}\ear\mkt.war"
> webxml="${src.dir}\Deployment\WebApp\Web-inf\web.xml">
>             <fileset
> dir="${src.dir}\deployment\WebApp"/>
>         </war>
>     </target>
>     <target name="build_ear" depends="build_war">
>         <jar jarfile="${dist}\mkt.ear"
>             basedir="${dist}\ear\"
>         />
>     </target>
>     <target name="copy_ear" depends="build_ear">
>         <copy todir="${weblogic.deployment.dir}">
>         <fileset dir="${dist}">
>             <include name="mkt.ear"/>
>         </fileset>
>         </copy>
>     </target>
> </project>
> --- "Mercado, Tony" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Andrew,
> >
> > The following example successfully builds a number
> > of EJB's using ejbjar (I
> > changed actual names we use in our project):
> >
> >
> >   <target name="ejbs" depends="init">
> >
> >     <ejbjar
> >         descriptordir="${src.dir}/xml/META-INF"
> >         srcdir="${dev.classes.dir}"
> >         destdir="${dev.ejb.dir}"
> >         basejarname="serviceEJB">
> >         <weblogic destdir="${dev.ejb.dir}"
> > newCMP="true">
> >             <classpath refid="project.classpath" />
> >         </weblogic>
> >         <include name="**/ejb-jar.xml"/>
> >         <exclude name="**/weblogic*.xml"/>
> >     </ejbjar>
> >
> >   </target>
> >
> >
> > This small snippet of ant assumes that you have two
> > files in
> > ${src.dir}/xml/META-INF.  Specifically, ejb-jar.xml
> > & weblogic-ejb-jar.xml.
> > Note that I am also using a number of other
> > "references" in this example:
> > project.classpath, as well as the references to the
> > directories.  These
> > "references" need to be set prior to their use.
> >
> > Good Luck!
> >
> > Tony Mercado
> > KMV, LLC
> > 415.352.3046
> >
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