Is there any plan to add support for a task like

<if true="truetarget1, truetarget2" false="falsetarget">
    <equals property="${property1}" value="value1"/>
    <equals property="${property2}" value="value2"/>
    <notequals property="${property3}" value="value3"/>

Which would cause the list of targets in the true attribute 
to be executed if all the conditions inside the block 
evaluated to true, and falsetarget if false?

Sure, I can do <available> and <exclude>, and it will
work for my current case, but what if i wanted a set of targets
to be executed in the true or false cases?

I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I wasn't
able to come up with a search regexp to dig it out of
the archives; if so, I apologize, and withdraw.




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