                I'm trying to incorporate the FTP functionality from
NetComponents into Ant running under VAJ.  Ant seems to be working fine from
within VAJ, and the build.xml (which contains FTP instructions) that I am
executing works fine outside of VAJ.  Inside VAJ I get:

         init: [echo]  ANT_HOME is C:\apps\jakarta-ant-1.4.1 main: BUILD
FAILED C:\apps\Jardev\Working\Ant\FTP Tests\build.xml:18: Could not create
task of type: ftp. Common solutions are to use taskdef to declare your task,
or, if this is an optional task, to put the optional.jar in the lib
directory of your ant installation (ANT_HOME). Total time: 0 seconds 

        The Build file is as follows:

        <!DOCTYPE project [<!ENTITY commonTargets SYSTEM
        <project name="FTP Experimental Build File" default="main"
          <property environment="myEnv" />
          <target name="init" >
            <property name="commandLine.HostName" value="sundev01.fnbo.com"
            <property name="commandLine.UserID" value="markj" />
            <property name="commandLine.Password" value="mimbar4ever" />
            <property name="commandLine.RemoteDirectory"
value="/vol01/fn-apps/FtpTest" />
            <echo message=" ANT_HOME is ${myEnv.ANT_HOME}" />

          <target name="main" depends="init" description="- Ftp Test" >
            <ftp server="${commandLine.HostName}"
              <fileset dir="Code">
                <include name="**/*.java"/>

        I followed the instructions with respect to installing ANT in VAJ.
The quandry is having it find the Netcomponents class files.  I tried
unjarring the optional.jar  & NetComponents.jar where I exported the ANT
files from VAJ -- no effect.  I've tried setting the ANT_HOME to point to my
ANT 1.4.1 distribution prior to invoking VAJ and ensuring that
Netcomponents.jar/optional.jar were in the lib directory -- no effect.  I've
also tried putting the Netcomponents.jar into the VAJ workspace classpath --
no effect.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  On a related note is
there a way through the VAJ-Ant interface to specify command line parms?

        Mark Jarzynka

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