----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Goldstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I have two questions regarding the junit tasks.
> 1.  When running a batch test, is it at all possible to print all of the
> results at the end of the test.  I'm interested in printing the number of
> successful tests and what errors/failures occurred.java (i.e. something
> similar to the results displayed when using junit.textui.TestRunner).

How about using <junitreport> to generate an HTML report?  That gives a
summary page with the stats you are looking for.

> 2.  I'm come across a number of occassions in version 1.4 when the junit
> froze.  The place it froze was not consistent.  Has anyone else
> this?  Is there an error log somewhere that I could look at?

Best thing to do when experiencing weird stuff with Ant is to use the -debug
switch and see if there is anything displayed in that output that can give
clues.  Are your tests doing anything out of the ordinary?


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