On Sat, 22 Dec 2001 Mallampati, Suresh wrote :

> <>If there are multiple individual sections for the 
> same file entry, the attributes in these sections are 
> merged. If a certain attribute have different values 
> in different sections, the last one is recognized. <>

And how does this relate to having the same attribute,
(in your case, Class-Path) being repeated within the 
*same* section multiple times?  

Conor has already pointed out to you the place in the
spec where it *explicitly* states that attributes 
*cannot be repeated within a section*.  We found an
inconsistency wrt Class-Path attribute alone in some
tutorial material and the extension mechanism arch doc.
So, we have fixed it in CVS (after the 1.4.1 release),
which means the next release of Ant will let you use 
multiple Class-Path attributes in the same section.  All 
other attributes will not be allowed to be repeated.

> I haven't seen the other (??) spec..

Please read the Extension Mechanism architecture doc at:


Specifically, search for the text - "Multiple class-path"

Did you look at the links I had sent previously?  The 
above was one of them...


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