Absolutely.  In fact, we already do something similar to that for
command-line and
batch-style builds.  But now I'm working on integrating ANT into an IDE
specifically), and so I want/need a 100% java solution.

Of course, NetBeans already has ANT integration, but it uses whichever
of ANT that comes with the IDE.  The goal is to allow the user to develop
in all
environments without having to load multiple instances of NetBeans or
equally klunky.  So I need to make the NetBeans ANT integration
configurable per
environment, hence the ClassLoader issue I'm trying to resolve now.


                    "Erik Hatcher"                                                     
                    <jakarta-ant@ehatchersolu       To:     "Ant Users List" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>               
                    tions.com>                      cc:                                
                                                    Subject:     Re: Invoking ant with 
custom ClassLoader                
                    01/17/2002 08:31 AM                                                
                    Please respond to "Ant                                             
                    Users List"                                                        

Wouldn't it be easier to make your "gateway" be a batch or shell script and
invoke the desired version of Ant using its standard launching script?

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 9:09 AM
Subject: Invoking ant with custom ClassLoader

> We have multiple development environments, each running a different
> level of the ANT engine.
> I am trying to write a single "gateway" interface which will read info
> a .properties file, determine the correct ANT release level for the
> and fire it off.  I therefore need to launch ANT using a custom
> ClassLoader.
> The problem is, my custom ClassLoader cannot load
> org.apache.tools.ant.Project.  I get a java.lang.ClassFormatError and a
> message about "Illegal constant pool type".
> I'm attaching a test program.  Compile it in some working directory,
> and drop a copy of ant.jar into that directory (I used ant 1.4).  Then
> do the following:
>      1) 'set CLASSPATH=.;ant.jar'
>      2) 'java Test2'
> No error.  But
>      3) 'set CLASSPATH=.'
>      4) 'java Test2'
> and you'll see the error.  I'm running on Windows 2000.  I
> encounter this problem both with jdk1.3.1 and jdk1.3.1_01.
> Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks!
> --dave
> (See attached file: Test2.java)



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