"Jack J. Woehr" wrote:

> I'd like to make a Java executor target to unit execute code within our byzantine 
> However, if I do:
> <target description="Execute in Java a specific unit, i.e., a main() routine of a 
>class file." if="unitexec.mainclass" name="unitexec">
>     <java classname="${unitexec.mainclass}" 
>       <arg value="${unitexec.arg1}"/>
>       <arg value="${unitexec.arg2}"/>
>       <arg value="${unitexec.arg3}"/>
>     </java>
> </target>

Oops, found the attribute line= to the <arg> element. ``Never mind''

Jack J. Woehr      # We have but one choice: the path of secular
Senior Consultant  #  humanism, based upon the principles of
Purematrix, Inc.   #   logic and reason. - Prof.Pervez Hoodbhoy,
www.purematrix.com #    Quaid-e-Azam University in Islamabad

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