
I seem to have avery strange problem with ant 1.4 ant 1.4.1

The problem is that when i'm using ant 1.4.1 and trying to build jars ant
keeps hanging intermittently , but when i use ant 1.4 it goes smooth without
any problem except for one jar where it needs to compile 9 source files i'm
pasting the code which i use , did anyone have  aproblem like this before .


<antcall target="makejar">
                             <param name="dir"
                             <param name="val" value="ejb_session_Xyz.jar"/>
                             <param name="ejbdir" value="${ejbdir}"/>

and the make jar target looks something like this 

<target name="makejar" >
        <mkdir dir="${dir}/build/META-INF" />
        <copy todir="${dir}/build/META-INF" >
            <fileset dir="${dir}" >
               <include name="**/*.xml"/>
        <javac srcdir="${dir}" destdir="${dir}/build" debug="yes" />

        <!-- jar jarfile="ejb.jar" basedir="build" /-->
        <exec executable="jar" dir="${dir}/build">
            <arg value="cfM"/>
            <arg value="ejb.jar"/>
            <arg value="META-INF"/>
            <arg value="${dir}"/>

        <java classname="weblogic.ejbc" dir="${dir}/build" fork="yes"
            <arg value = "ejb.jar" /> 
            <arg value = "${val}" />             

        <copy file="${dir}/build/${val}" todir="${ejbdir}" />
        <antcall target="clean" >
                <param name="dir" value="${dir}"/>      

Any ideas will be of great help

Sharanya Vemu

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