
I believe the performance improvement has to do with some efficiencies built
into the 6.1 ejbc.  I've also noticed a significant decrease in the time it
takes to generate ejbs.

Another nice feature in Ant (I think since Ant 1.4 but I could be wrong) is
the "noEJBC" attribute. This allows control over invoking the weblogic.ejbc
in the <ejbjar> task.  If it's set to "true", weblogic.ejbc will not be
invoked and expects the ejb-jars to be ejbc'd during deployment.  If it's
set to "false" (which is the default), it does invoke weblogic.ejbc.

I think the warning messages only appear when weblogic.ejbc is run otherwise
if noEJBC=true you won't see this warnings.

It's definitely an implementation specific decision for ejbc'ing your ejbs
during the build or not.  I personally like to run weblogic.ejbc to identify
any potential problems during build time versus finding out about them
during deployment time.

Again, it's an implementation decision.

All of the particulars on the <ejbjar> task can be found in the Ant docs:


-----Original Message-----
From: Ajay Chitre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 9:56 AM
To: Ant Users List
Subject: RE: EJBJar under Weblogic 6.1...


Thanks for the reply!  Copying DTDs locally & pointing to them is a good
idea.  I think I will do that for now.

Yes, I was talking about the same warnings related to classpath.  They don't
seem to be harmful, but we get a lot of them because we have a lot of ejbs.

One more thing, have you noticed a performance improvement with the new
weblogic.ejbc?  The entire build process which used to take about 7 minutes
under 5.1 runs under 3 minutes with 6.1!  Is there a reason for that?  Is
weblogic.ejbc really doing something or is it delaying compilation until
deployment time?

Thanks again for your time.

- Ajay

-- Original Message --

>This snippet from my build.xml works for me.  Two things:
>1) It renders some warnings about the ejbc classpath having the home
>interface class in the path.  From what I can tell, these can be ignored.
> I
>haven't figured out exactly how to get rid of them, but they don't seem
>harm anything.
>2) From some reason, I too have a problem with the task finding the DTDs
>the deployment descriptors.  I don't believe this to be an Ant problem,
>instead it's something with weblogic.ejbc.  So, what I did is create a
>copy of the DTD and added a <dtd> nested element in the target (which
>see in the code).
>  <target name="ejbs"
>          depends="classes"
>          description="generates ejbs">
>    <echo message="--(DT)--> Generating ejbs"/>^M
>    <copy todir="${opel.build}">
>      <fileset dir="${opel.src}"
>               includes="**/ejb-jar.xml,**/weblogic-ejb-jar.xml"/>
>    </copy>
>    <copy todir="${opel.build}">
>      <fileset dir="${opel.src}">
>        <patternset id="opel.rdbms.deployment.descriptors">
>          <include name="**/*rdbms*"/>
>        </patternset>
>      </fileset>
>    </copy>
>    <ejbjar srcdir="${opel.build}"
>            descriptordir="${opel.build}"
>            classpath="${opel.classpath}"
>            naming="ejb-name"
>            manifest="${opel.home}/MANIFEST.MF"
>            flatdestdir="true">
>      <weblogic destdir="${opel.release}"
>                keepgeneric="false"
>                rebuild="false"
>                wlclasspath="${wls.classpath};${opel.build}"
>                noEJBC="${opel.noejbc}"
>                newCMP="false">
>      </weblogic>
>      <dtd publicId="-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans
>           location="${opel.home}/ejb-jar_2_0.dtd"/>
>      <include name="**/ejb-jar.xml"/>
>      <exclude name="**/*weblogic*.xml"/>
>    </ejbjar>
>  </target>
>It may not be the most elegant set up and YMMV, but it works for me :).
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Ajay Chitre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 9:31 AM
>Subject: EJBJar under Weblogic 6.1...
>I am running into problems with the 'ejbjar' task under Weblogic 6.1. 
>task used to work very well under Weblogic 5.1, but when I run it under
>WL 6.1 I get two Warnings.  One related to DTDs & the other related to
> Here are my questions;
>1)  Can I use ejbjar task for building ejbs under 6.1?  All the examples
>that come with WL 6.1 call weblogic.ejbc directly as follows;
><java classname="weblogic.ejbc" fork="yes">
>Is this how I should be doing it?  Is ejbjar task going away?
>2)  Previously I used the following lines related to DTDs;
>      <dtd publicId="-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans
>      <dtd publicId="-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD WebLogic 5.1.0 EJB//EN"
>I can't find 'ejb-jar.dtd' & 'weblogic-ejb-jar.dtd' in my /bea folder.

>Where can I find them?
>Thanks for your time.
>Ajay Chitre
>Diligent Team, Inc.
>(Where Diligent People Work as a Team)
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