I'm using pathconvert to put a new-line separated classpath into a config
file for a program (DashOPro in this case).  So, I do this:

<pathconvert pathsep="${line.separator}" property="TEMP" refid="classpath"

followed by a replace tag:

<replace file="file.dop" token="@CLASSPATH@" value="${TEMP}" />

and I get double new lines on each line substituted - anyone know why?

Thanks and have fun! - Bob

Bob Hays                           "Discipline is never an end in
135 S. LaSalle                      itself, only a means to an end."
MS 3010                            -- King Crimson
Chicago, IL  60602                 "Whoever flees history will be
(312) 904-4668 (V)                  pursued by history."
(312) 904-0322 (F)                 -- Janusz Korczak
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           "Faster! Faster! Until the thrill
http://alephnaught.net              of speed overcomes the fear of
"Nothing great was ever achieved   -- Hunter S. Thompson
 without enthusiasm."              "Security is very frequently the
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson              commencement of calamity."
"A common mistake that people       -- Paterculus
 make when trying to design        "Problems cannot be solved at the
 something foolproof is to          same level of awareness that
 underestimate the ingenuity        created them."
 of complete fools."               -- Albert Einstein
-- Douglas Adams                   "People will work for money, but
                                    they'll give a piece of their
                                    lives for meaning."
                                   -- Schwab's Dawn Lapore
                                   "Creativity is allowing oneself to
                                    make mistakes. Art is knowing which
                                    ones to keep."
                                   -- Scott Adams
                                   "The surest way to corrupt a youth
                                    is to instruct him to hold in higher
                                    regard those who think alike than
                                    those who think differently."
                                   -- Nietzche
Version: 3.1
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M$ V@ PS+ PE !Y+ PGP t !5-- !X !R tv+ b++() DI+ !D- G-- e++ h--- r+++

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