    Iam trying to include my own Manifest file in EJB Jar file.I browsed
through ant mail archives and found lot of links.
    But the Jar file that gets generated still contains the one
generated by Ant(that contains all the name of files in the jar) and not
the one specified by me.

My target is

 <ejbjar srcdir="${ejb.classes}"

   <include name="**/ejb-jar.xml" />
      <exclude name="**/weblogic*.xml" />
      <dtd publicId="${ejb-jar-dtd.publicId}"
location="${ejb-jar-dtd.location}" />
      <dtd publicId="${weblogic-ejb-jar-dtd.publicId}"
location="${weblogic-ejb-jar-dtd.location}" />

   <weblogic destdir="${ejb.lib}">
          <path refid="ejb.classpath" />
          <path refid="weblogic.classpath" />
        <path refid="weblogic.classpath" />
        <path refid="ejb.classpath" />
   <support dir="${ejb.classes}">
        <include name="**/applicationaccess/**/*.class" />

My Manifest file is like ...

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Class-Path: lib/log4j-1.2beta3.jar lib/jakarta-regexp-1.2.jar
 lib/commons-collections.jar lib/commons-beanutils.jar



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