I wrote an article showing some more advanced Ant uses, this time
combining Ant with the JAXB early access release.  It shows the use
of Ant in compiling multiple source paths at the same time into
the same destination; in this example it involves compiling both
the user-written code and the JAXB generated code.


An upcoming followup will show some examples of writing Ant tasks,
one which will go through your source path and come up with the packages
that one needs to javadoc up so that the user doesn't need to keep
that package listing up to date; the second will show how to establish
a one-to-many dependency (ant tasks support one-to-one and many-to-one
by default), so that the generated files of JAXB aren't re-generated
except when the source XML descriptors are changed.  These tasks show
a more advanced example of using the Ant Path and Project classes.
This followup should be out within the month.

feedback welcome...
Joseph Shelby                                   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
5809 Chase Commons Ct. #201                http://www.io.com/~acroyear
Burke, VA  22015                             (703) 323-7121 | 247-7868
          Software Engineer, ISX Corporation, Arlington, VA
"The people of England will permit anything...except cruelty to horses
and a rise in the price of beer."  -- Return of the Musketteers (1989)

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