Jeffrey Jensen wrote:
> Yes they work perfectly.  My examples are real - I copied them out of my
> build.xml file (and trimmed the extraneous).

well, when i asked "is this working", i was more referring my question
to the chap who started this thread.
> That is why I asked why you wrote a new taskdef...Ant already provides
> directory traversals for about everything.  :-)

well, i didn't know (and i need to send a quick update to
before they publish).

but the taskdef and article does give what i'd like to think of as a
decent introduction to using the Path objects in writing Ant tasks, and
supporting multiple ways of setting values (as attributes, sub-elements,
or as a reference attribute), plus using the logging states.  it still makes
a good intro task to the second one (one that's JAXB-specific).

if i really wanted to get fancy, i'd have played with the DirectoryScanner
and stuff like that, but I understand the api a lot better than
that stuff, and so will my readers i assume...i also would have ended up
duplicating quite a bit of the code of ant if i had.

no worries...

Joseph Shelby                                   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
5809 Chase Commons Ct. #201      
Burke, VA  22015                             (703) 323-7121 | 247-7868
          Software Engineer, ISX Corporation, Arlington, VA
"The people of England will permit anything...except cruelty to horses
and a rise in the price of beer."  -- Return of the Musketteers (1989)

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