On Tuesday, March 19, 2002, at 08:25  AM, Guthrie, John wrote:

> There* is* a problem with using a build.properties at the root level 
> and having all of the build.xml's reference it. The problem is that 
> some of the properties piggyback off of ${user.dir} which is different 
> when running ant
> in different subdirs.

I solved that by having a "base" property that is always the root of the 
hierarchy - the one that build, products, libraries, and the like hang 
from.  No matter where you start your system, the build.xml files are 
written to have "baseworkdir" set to the right spot.

> And the downside to forcing all ant calls to go through the root 
> build.xml is that it forces that build.xml to contain *every* target in 
> every subdir build.xml, which makes it really big and also is a pain 
> when I want to add a quick target to a subdir build.xml.

I solved this by having by subdir build.xml files include local override 
property files, a root level property file, and then an xml include of 
my standard targets.  Subdir-specific targets get added in their own 
space as I see the need.


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