--- stephan beal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tuesday 26 March 2002 22:25 pm, Diane Holt wrote:
> > But 'cvs log' does give you a return code of 1. And 'cvs diff' 
> > returns 0 for no diffs, 1 for diffs. So it's all doable using
> > currently available Ant tasks.
> Nope. How does the user get the return code for cvs without actually
> coding a task with it's one Execute/Commandline objects? He can't get
> it via the Cvs  task object [...]

I didn't say "it's all doable using the Cvs task" -- I said "it's all
doable using currently available Ant tasks".  The guy wanted to know if
there was way to do what he wants to do -- I assume without having to
write his own task(s) or modify existing ones -- and, yes, there is.

You seem awfully quick to make pronouncements that Ant can't do X unless
you start hacking at the code -- and that's just not actually been the
case 99.9% of the time. So far, the only thing it couldn't actually do was
run <record> in emacs mode -- but only because it was just stubbed off.
And that should've been a completely straightforward little thing to
implement, but somehow it turned into some big hack-away-at-Ant, which I
still don't think it needed to be.

> 'cvs --help diff' also returns 1,

Yeah, so? -- who said anything about running 'cvs --help diff'??

The ant-user list is a place where people can ask for solutions to their
problems, and hopefully we can offer them some. Constantly poohpoohing
those proffered solutions that use what's already available seems awfully
counterproductive -- especially since it's more often than not
misinformation to say you can't do this or that, since in fact you can.

I don't always put the solution together in actual Ant format (and I
didn't this time because, frankly, I had a bit too much brew and Thirsty
Bear last night to feel like doing much of anything today :), but trust me
on this, if I say there's a way to do it, it means I have actually thought
of how -- I just haven't necessarily typed it all out.



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