Quick way that I use...

  tr -d "\015" < $inputfile > $inputfile


>Hi all,
>I have this problem with ctrl + M characters which appear as (^M)
>in unix. I have a lotta files which contain these characters because the
>files have not been saved in unix format.
>The number of files is really large and so i cannot possibly save each 
>file to
>unix format as it would take a lotta my time and it wouldn't be feasible.
>Please let me know if there's something in ant which can be used to 
>recursively do this in
>a particular diretory or jar file.
>This would be of immense help to me as some work is held up due to this.
>This problem occurs the build creation procees is done in WINNT and 
>deploying can be done on any OS.
>"Man was designed for accomplishment, engineered for Success and endowed 
>with seeds of greatness"

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