Well, it ain't pretty (maybe my brain's just too rattled from the wildlife
nightmare I've been living with the past week to come up with anything

Actually, it wouldn't be all that bad except for two (I think evil) things
about a couple of tasks -- namely, <delete> and <filelist>. Firstly, for
some reason, <delete> has deprecated the 'excludes' attribute, so it's
going to wag a nasty DEPRECATED finger at you for using it. Secondly,
<filelist> insists you specify a 'dir' attribute -- which, frankly, makes
no sense to me at all (whywhywhy??).

Anyway, with that all said, and assuming you're in a position to use
Ant1.5 (soon to go beta ;), here 'tis:
  <target name="doit">
    <exec executable="p4" outputproperty="p4files" vmlauncher="no">
      <arg line='have | cut -d"-" -f2'/>
    <filelist id="p4files" dir="none" files="${p4files}"/>
    <pathconvert pathsep="," property="shipFilesPerforce" refid="p4files">
    <echo>shipFilesPerforce = ${shipFilesPerforce}</echo>

Note that I didn't include the actual <delete> task (since I don't trust
myself to not do something incredibly stoopid today and end up deleting
all my files again!), but that part should be trivial, now that you have a
comma-separated list to specify to the (barking) 'excludes' attribute (but
I'd run it with just the <echo> first, if I was you :)

P.S. If you're not allowed to go with 1.5, let me know, and I'll whip up a
Javascript for you (beats doin the dishes :)



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