On Sat, 27 Apr 2002 06:13, Dominique Devienne wrote:
> 1) I'm creating a JAR with a manifest using <jar>
> 2) I'm processing the created JAR to gather some meta-info about it, saved
> into a file.
> 3) I'm updating the JAR to add my new XML file in META-INF
> Doing (3) with jar.exe works as expected:
>       jar uf ${jarfile} -C ${xml-reg-dir} META-INF/MetaInfo.xml
> i.e. adds the file to the JAR, and doesn't touch the manifest.
> Doing (3) with <jar> hoses my manifest, replacing it by an empty/minimal
> one:
>     <jar jarfile="${jarfile}"
>          update="true"
>          basedir="${xml-reg-dir}"
>          includes="META-INF/MetaInfo.xml" />
> I have to re-add the manifest attribute of the <jar update="true"> task.
> So there's an easy enough work around, but isn't this a BUG????
> Thanks to let me know, --DD

Yep, this is a reported bug.


Daz ( another DD ;)

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