
Ant 1.4 used reflection to determine the super classes and interfaces of a
class to be added. These classes were also added to the jar.

Reflection is, however, a pain. By loading the class into the VM, so that
reflection can occur, all of the dependent classes must be available on the
given classpath. This is the source of the "could not load blah for
superclass check" messages.

Ant 1.5 no longer uses reflection - it analyzes the classfiles of the bean
classes directly using BCEL. The default mode of operation is still to add
only the super classes. This will now require you to provide the
jakarta-BCEL library in ANT_HOME/lib. This default really only does half the
job, however, since there are many other classes which can be added to the

A new attribute "dependency" has been introduced which controls what
additional classes, beyond those of the bean classes themselves, are added
to the jar. If you give this the value "none", no additional classes are
added and BCEL is not required. If you use the value "super" (the default),
super classes are added and if you use the value "full", all dependent
classes are added. These two options require BCEL.

What you use will depend on how you package up beans. If you generally
provide a support jar with the additonal classes, you will probably go for
"none". If you want a self contained ejb jar, you would use "full" to put
everything into it.

This new dependency behaviour should remove some of the burden of trying to
add support classes using <support>

Check out the documentation and let me know what you think.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sayatovic, Brian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, 1 May 2002 5:58 AM
> To: Ant Users List (E-mail)
> Subject: AncestorAnalyzer
> What is the AncestorAnalyzer?  I'm using a very new version of
> Ant from CVS and I get this exception:
>       [ejbjar] Unable to load dependency analyzer:
> Maybe this was there all along and I'm only noticing it now...
> But what does it mean?
> Regards,
> Brian.
> --
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