I ran into this situation with a site sync utility I was using.  The Microsoft FTP 
'ls' output is not Unix'ey.  The tool I was using required you to set a flag to 
indicate that you were talking to MSFTP.  The FTP task may not be handling this 
situation correctly.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jay Eskandarian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2002 10:44 AM
To: Ant-User (E-mail)
Subject: FTP - Could not date test remote file - Transfers all

ant     1.4
jdk     1.4
os:     win2k
ftpserver:      microsoft ftp service (Version 5.0)

When using ftp to transfer a webapp, ant always transfers all files regardless of 

To diagnose, I run ant with -verbose option and the message the ftp task returns for 
each file is:
"Could not date test remote file: controller.jspassuming out of date." So it is 
obvious what the problem is but does anyone have a possible solution??

Here is the ftp task I'm using. 
I tried it with and without the passive option. I also removed the userID/password for 
obvious reasons.

        <ftp server="med-engineering.com" userid="XXXX" password="XXXXX"
                depends="yes" remotedir="med-engineering.com\test"
                passive="yes" verbose="yes">
            <fileset dir="${webapp.dir}">
                <include name="**\*.*"/>
                <exclude name="**\*.log"/>
                <exclude name="WEB-INF\work\**\*.*"/>
                <exclude name="**\*.war"/>
                <exclude name="**\*.*~"/>
                <exclude name="**\*.bak"/>
                <exclude name="**\package cache\*.*"/>
                <exclude name="**\*.jar"/>
- Jay Eskandarian 

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