I noticed that the <fileset /> task does not support the location attribute. 
Would it be a good idea if it would support this as well? This is the problem 
I'm facing:

   <property name="mylib.jar"  location="${mylib.home}/mylib.jar" />
   <path id="classpath">
      <pathelement location="${mylib.jar}" />

   <war webxml="src/webapp/web.xml" warfile="build/${ant.project.name}.war">
      <fileset dir="src/htdocs" />
      <lib location="${mylib.jar}" />
      <classes dir="build/classes" />

I want the mylib.jar to be included in the <war /> task, but I don't want to 
do something like:

   <lib dir="${mylib.home}" includes="mylib.jar" />

because I already have the location in ${mylib.jar}...

Any ideas or comments? Is a 'location' attribute for a fileset a good idea?


Ernst de Haan
EuroNet Internet B.V.

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