
Moving %JAVA_HOME%/lib/ from {classpath} to
{bootclasspath} did it. It sure would have been nice
if this were better documented! The purpose of
bootclasspath isn't really explained in the Ant 1.4.1 docs.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Geoff Meakin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ant Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2002 12:09 PM
Subject: RE: Compiling for JDK 1.1.8

> Are you specifying the {bootclasspath} and property as well?
> You need to reference the bootclasspath and the target attribute
> of javac, not just the target attribute
> This is then so that the JDK1.3.1 compiler still compiles against
> the JDK1.1.8 API, and compiles JDK1.1.8 classes
> So for instance I use
>  <javac
>    target="1.1"
>    bootclasspath="~/build-libs/"
> .. which then works fine
> Cheers
> -Geoff
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Larsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 20 June 2002 05:42 PM
> Subject: Compiling for JDK 1.1.8
> I'm running Ant 1.4.1 under JDK 1.3.1. I need to
> compile some projects to be run under JDK 1.1.8.
> See the buld.xml below...
> Ant is *NOT* properly compiling with JDK 1.1. I can
> tell this two ways. During the compile, I get deprecation
> warnings for things that were not deprecated until 1.2.
> And also, some of my custom swing stuff just doesn't work
> when I run it under 1.1.8.
> If I execute ant using JDK1.1.8 my build is just fine.
> What's up?
> Jeff
> <project name="Package qec.util" default="build" basedir=".">
>   <property name="build.compiler"       value="javac1.1" />
>   <property name=""          value="1.1" />
>   <property name="java.lib"
> value="E:/jdk/jdk1.1.8/lib/" />
>   <property name="javax.swing"
> value="E:/lib/swing-1.1.1/swing.jar" />
>   <target name="init">
>     <mkdir dir="${basedir}/classes" />
>   </target>
>   <target name="build" depends="init">
>     <javac srcdir="${basedir}/src"
>            destdir="${basedir}/classes"
>            classpathref="class.path"
>            deprecation="yes"
>            includejavaruntime="no"
>            includeantruntime="no"
>            target="${}"
>     />
>   </target>
>   <path id="class.path">
>     <pathelement location="${java.lib}" />
>     <pathelement location="${javax.swing}" />
>   </path>
> </project>
> --
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