On 7/4/02 0:11, "Conor MacNeill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mark Jaffe wrote:
>> I'm seeing a strange behjavior in this project, where it is failing in a
>> target "verify-pdl" due to a class not found. Yet the target depends on a
>> target which verifies the class being available. What's going wrong here:
>> Here's the output at time of failure:
>> verify-pdl:
>>    [execon] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
>> com/arsdigita/persistence/pdl/PDL
> Can you try 1.5 beta. IIRC, I made a change which should cover your
> case. As you can see this is a NoClassDef error and not a ClassNotFound
> Error. 1.4.1 was not causing resolution of the class so a class could be
> found but still not able to be linked.
> Conor


Thanks for the tip; I tried and this would be a major effort. Unfortunately,
the project depends on its own version of ANT (seems to be based on 1.3,
inherited from ArsDigita) and I can't figure out how to make it work on
current versions. There are a couple of DTD's in the top directory that seem
to define some behavior, but when I apply these to the current version, it
does not work.

Mark Jaffe              | (408) 972-9638 (home)
Chief Wizard            | (408) 807-1530 (cell/page/voicemail)
Computer Wizards        | (425) 795-6421 (FAX)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.c-wizards.com/

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