> Long Email Warning....
 > I've spent some time this weekend reading up on the various proposals 
 > Ant 2, and my first reaction is:
 > 'Is Ant dead?'


-Javaworld editors' choice 2002
-Development software 2002 Productivity award

If this is _dead_ ;-)

What instead I personally am starting to think, is that Ant*2* is dead.

The proposals are doing an excellent job in driving the incremental
changes in the 1.* releases, which are gaining the Ant2 features gradually.

I think that Ant has big room to grow, as it's doing now; there is the
new <import> tag proposal and patch, the antlib one.
If things continue as now, Ant2 will (maybe) come out of Ant 1.9 as a
natural evolution.

Of course, this is my very personal guess.

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
             - verba volant, scripta manent -
    (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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