Title: how to loop over properties

Hello ANT users,

Given a number of properties, I want to loop over
all properties starting with a given prefix and call
the same task on every such property:


For all properties "myprop" starting with PREFIX

<zip destfile="${myprop}.zip" basedir="${myprop}_base" />

Does anybody have an idea how to do that?


*                                                                *
* Polizeiamt für Technik und Beschaffung Niedersachsen (PATB-NI) *
* Extern - Mummert + Partner Unternehmensberatung AG             *
* Alexander Weinmann                                             *
* Tannenbergallee 11                                             *
*                                                                *
* D-30163 Hannover                                               *
* -------------------------------------------------------------- *
* Telefon:  (0511) 96 95 - 14 81                                 *
* Mobil:    (0178)  6612113                                      *
* <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   *
*                                                                *


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Description: Binary data

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