Hi, all.

I would like to add a couple of jars to ANTs classpath, exactly as if 
they were in /foo/ant/lib.

Based on the information I was given recently, I have discovered that my 
custom ANT task does not need to have ant.jar in my usual compile 
libraries folder.  Further, the taskdef can just read the thing straight 
from the "build-products" directory, not requiring any special build 
phases or copy steps.  All I need to do is make sure it is built before 
anything that needs it.

Also based on recent information, this is not true for a logger - it has 
to come from /foo/ant/lib, and it has to be there before ANT starts up.

If there were a property containing the library directory ANT read when 
it started, then I could just copy the logger, and likely my new task as 
well,  into ${ant.lib} right after generation.

As an alternative, if there were an environment variable that the 
wrapper read to build the classpath, then I could just add my jar or two 
to it directly from where they are generated.

Both of these only help with the next run, but I already have a 
pre-build step where I generate my build file via XSLT from a list of 
product dependencies, so I can just do the magic there.

Are either of these possible - property with ant/lib to use as a copy 
destination, or adding a jar to ANTs classpath that has minimal impact 
outside ANT?


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