The following message was sent by "Matt Lyon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Thu, 11 Jul 2002 
10:48:06 -0400.

> Hi,
> I apologize for being a bit brain-dead about this new dependency analysis 
> using BCEL, but I still have some questions. I downloaded BCEL.jar and 
> placed it in ${ANT_HOME}/lib, but I am still getting the following message 
> when my ejbjar tasks execute:

If the task that needs BCEL is an optional task, then you would need to have BCEL in 
your classpath somewhere when you built Ant, otherwise the classes that use BCEL won't 
get compiled or jarred into the distro. I've had this bite me before with JUnit, 
JUnitReport and FTP; since I forgot to establish them in the classpath, no support got 
built into Ant.


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