Hello all,
        I have a problem, which i hope you can help me solve:
My project has several subprojects, let's say a - z.
Some of the subprojects depend on other subprojects. Let's say a depends on b and c, c 
depends on d and e, and e depends on f. Assum there are no circular dependencies (i 
hope there aren't). Each subproject is in a separate directory, so i can say build in 
a subdirectory, jar, put in 'lib', build in b subdirectory, jar, put in 'lib', etc.
I am trying to make it so that the user can say he/she wants to build a, and it will 
go to a, read dependencies on b and c (from a text file or something), go to build b, 
see dependency on d and e, etc.
I see no way to do this other then recursion, but i'm having difficulties, because i 
don't fully understand how recursion would work in ant - would the properties be mixed 
up if i invoke the same target multiple times, etc.

Please help.

Thank You,

Edward Grinvald
Computer Associates International
Programmer, Storage Development
(631) 342 6350

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