So using the weirdly-built ant-contrib.jar i described in my last post,
i'm getting task redefinition warnings like this:

Buildfile: build.xml

Trying to override old definition of task propertycopy
Trying to override old definition of task foreach
Trying to override old definition of task osfamily
Trying to override old definition of task switch
Trying to override old definition of task trycatch
Trying to override old definition of task throw
Trying to override old definition of task if

Here's my build.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<project name="master_extractor" default="extract" basedir=".">
  <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/">
      <pathelement location="/usr/share/java/ant-contrib-0.1.jar"/>
  <target name="extract">
    <foreach list="foo, bar, baz" param="name" target="echo"/>
    <osfamily property="foo"/>
    <echo message="${foo}"/>

  <target name="echo">
    <echo message="${name}"/>

It appears to be working correctly, but for each element in my foreach
list, it prints those "Trying to override..." messages.

Is this normal behavior for the foreach task as written? Is there a way
to suppress those messages (without, say, redirecting all stderr to

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